Hermès launches PetitH installation at Madison Avenue store in New York
21 Oct 2024
Petit h traces its history to Pascale Mussard, a sixth-generation member of the Hermès family who played in the company’s store when she was a child. One day, her great uncle, Robert Dumas, brought her into the workshop to see the artisans, fished a piece of leather out of the trash and asked the craftsman if he could make a wallet out of the scrap.
The artisan worked his magic on it and the end result wound up on display in the window of the store where it promptly sold. That wallet was the catalyst for what would become Petit h, a brand created by Mussard in 2010 that uses upcycled luxury raw materials from the manufacturing of other Hermès products.
Upon Mussard’s retirement, she turned the reins of Petit h over to Godefroy de Virieu. As creative director, he oversees a dedicated team of eight artisans that use the leftovers pieces to make new products. “There is lots of material left, and this material is so precious that we ask creative people to reinvent and to tell new stories with that available material,” he said